Conseguir cupones para frutas y vegetales frescos es casi una misión imposible, pero gracias a Saving Star tenemos un CUPON SALUDABLE semanalmente. El cupón saludable de esta semana es para melocotones frescos. Sííí… Esta semana tenemos un 20% de descuento en MELOCOTONES frescos al aprovechar la Oferta Saludable de Saving Star de esta semana. ¿Cómo? Es sencillo…

Save 20% on any single purchase of loose Peaches at participating retailers. See offer info for complete details. Check back every Tuesday for a new Healthy Offer..Expires 8/1/2016.Save 20%.

PRIMERO: Regístrate en Saving Star si no tienes una cuenta.
SEGUNDO: Pulsa sobre la siguiente imagen para activar tu oferta.

Save 20% on any single purchase of loose Peaches at participating retailers. See offer info for complete details. Check back every Tuesday for a new Healthy Offer..Expires 8/1/2016.Save 20%.

TERCERO: Reclama tu reembolso en SavingStar.

Si nunca has usado Saving Star, sigue este enlace: Básicos para usar Saving Star. Ahí te explico un paso a paso de cómo registrarte, enlazar tus tarjetas y reclamar tus reembolsos. ¡Verás que sencillo es!

ENGLISH:Save 20% on any single purchase of loose Peaches at participating retailers. See offer info for complete details. Check back every Tuesday for a new Healthy Offer..Expires 8/1/2016.Save 20%.

SavingStar is the smart and simple way to save. Earn cash back on your groceries with exclusive freebies, healthy offers, and BIG savings on your favorite brands. There’s nothing to clip or print. Link deals to your store loyalty cards or submit a picture of your receipt to earn money in your SavingStar account. Save 20% on a fruit or vegetable every week. Get a free product every Friday-Sunday. And, get new deals on your favorite brands every week. You can cash out to your bank account, PayPal, or to a gift card. SavingStar now works at over 60,000 stores nationwide. The service is free and easy to use, so join over 5 million members and start saving money today. Click here for SavingStar.

Experta en estrategias de Ahorro. Coach en Finanzas Personales certificada por FinCert, el Instituto de Finanzas Personales de PR  y Ramsey Solutions.

Desde el 2012 he ayudado a miles de personas a alcanzar sus metas financieras.

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